Portal of white healing light- Clear Quartz with Clear Quartz Vogel Crystal

  • 5 555 kr

Portal of white healing light- Clear Quartz with Clear Quartz Vogel Crystal This is a piece for your who wish a powerful light portal to support you to be

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Artikelnummer: 1258

Portal of white healing light- Clear Quartz with Clear Quartz Vogel Crystal 

This is a piece for your who wish a powerful light portal to support you to be the light, stay in the light and be protected by the light. 

As a light worker we need strength and protection ourselves. This piece is full of Christ consciousness and the most loving light.

You can use this piece as a portal of light and feel how you step into the light to be able to shine the light, and embody the light of source and pure Christ energy. There is a strong healing light here that will activate you from the inside and out. Every person that comes in contact with you will feel this piece and be activated by it. 

This is perfect for you who work with people to support them but also yourself to spread more light in to the collective field.