Earth Oracle- Raw Ruby with Black Tourmaline Crystals with Lodolite with Phantoms

  • 4 444 kr

Earth Oracle-Raw Ruby with Black Tourmaline Crystals with Lodolite with PhantomsThis piece is the Earth Oracle. Mother Earth comes fort as a great force. She is

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Article Number: 1283

Earth Oracle-

Raw Ruby with Black Tourmaline Crystals with Lodolite with Phantoms

This piece is the Earth Oracle. Mother Earth comes fort as a great force. She is showing her self as a raw and powerful oracles she is the life giver, she has given birth to everything that has every grown on earth and ever will grow. She is mighty. 

The oracle side here that she wants to gift you with is the deep understanding of the physical planes here on earth but also the connection to cosmos and the mysteries there. We are in deep space, Mother Earth is the one who protects us. Our sun is the fire and the energy source, Mother Earth protects us and holds us safe as long as we are here in the physical plane. 

She shows herself as a majestic feminine being of pure love. She is reaching out to you to step forward as one of her specially chosen children. 

There is deep knowledge that wants to be told by her, great gifts that she wants to share to you.

With this piece you will step in to a dimension where your heart is connected to her. Your roots go deep and connects to ancient earth and the origins and deep knowledge of the hidden layers of earth. 

You will step in as the all knowing oracle of all times. This is her wish for you. She is opening her arms for you. She has chosen you! Your destiny with her was set long before you came here. You are part of the same soul. You are one. It is time to wake up and see with your all seeing eyes.