Oracle of The Wise One- Green Amethyst with Herkimer Diamond with Skeletal Quartz.

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Oracle of The Wise One- Green Amethyst with Herkimer Diamond with Skeletal Quartz.This is the Oracle of The Wise One. There is an ancient presence here, old as

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Article Number: 1288

Oracle of The Wise One- Green Amethyst with Herkimer Diamond with Skeletal Quartz.

This is the Oracle of The Wise One. There is an ancient presence here, old as Mother Earth. I see how this presence has been guarding Mother Earth and all her children for all times. It is a presence that is everywhere at all times. It supported the first dragon to birth and it is very connected to the dragon kingdom. 

It is almost like the mountain but it is also in the air around the earth. It is connected to the benevolent energies that are protecting the earth, it is one of them. 

What this being wants to bring you and offer you is to step in to the oracle of the deep understanding of Earth and all living beings on her. Off course there is a super strong connection to the dragon kingdom. Ancient Earth comes in as well. 

The piece of jewelry has a super high frequency, here is so much light. The presence- The Wise One, was sent to watch over earth and to keep her safe. 

Now comes a time where The Wise One has stepped in to reach out to you. The Wise One wants to support you to dive deep into the understanding of Earth and her mysteries and become the Oracle that can channel the sacred codes of information that needs to be told now. Humanity and You have reached a deeper level of enlightenment and are ready to be aware of the unknown parts that are aligned with the new levels that You have reached. 

I see Informant about New Earth, about Ancient Earth, ancient civilizations, the magic kingdoms, the Fay, Unicorns, dragons, the Anunaki and all magical creatures. 

This piece is for you who wants to step in to the Oracle and channel The Wise One, but also bring this information out in to the unified field around earth. 

The Wise One has come to embrace you in its arms and to take you home. When you enter your own sacred space you will open up your channel and it will flow through you, images, words, feeling of the deeper knowing and understanding.

I swear how the information sparks your creativity so that you can spread this to the world. You will be supported to spread your work by The Wise One.