Fire Priestess - Apricot rainbow Moonstone with Red Quartz.

  • 4 444 kr

Fire Priestess - Apricot rainbow Moonstone with Red Quartz.This is a piece that wants to support you to step into the fire and embody the Shakti energy pouring

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Article Number: 1193

Fire Priestess - Apricot rainbow Moonstone with Red Quartz.

This is a piece that wants to support you to step into the fire and embody the Shakti energy pouring out from the heart of Mother Earth. 

If you are drawn to this piece you came to this lifetime and timeline to be a way shower for the new feminine energies of the Aquarian Age where women no longer are afraid to hold the the feminine essence and power. 

Someone needs to lead the way. This piece will support you to hold the Shakti energy and birth the new feminine essence into the Aquarian Age. 

The Moonstone is connected to the star nations. A being comes forth, she is a Priestess of long forgotten times. She is from a galaxy far away and she was here when the humanity was created. She is one of the members of the galactic councils. She sends a beam of light to this piece so that you will raise your frequencies and be able to hold these high frequencies that you need to transform and step into to become one of the most powerful woman of our age. 

The Red Quarts is strong in its energies, just like the center of Mother Earth and the powerful Shakti energies that is flowing like blood in and out of Mother Earths beating heart. This piece is grounded and passionate. It will hold the heartbeat of you and keep you strong and balanced. 

This piece is a fighter of love that will raise the feminine frequency and awake the most powerful force within you, like a rush of blood from the center of Mother Earth to you. You will be the way shower, an inspiration to many people and you will embody the strength of the feminine essence.