This is a powerful heart opening piece and a powerful healing tool.
The Godess Shakti comes in here with a green powerful light to support you. She is the life force, she is the power. She wishes to open your heart and fill it with her healing experience energies.
I see a green shimmer around here, the energy of growth.
Where new things grow the old need to perish. With ease and grace your old wounds will fall away to give birth to the new. I see a healed heart ready for the new. I see flowers growing and feel a fresh sent in the air of the most amazing flowers.
This is a peace to break free from the old and invite the new. It’s a piece for healing your heart and soul to step in to the new Aquarian Age with ease and grace.
There is a whisper of sacred light codes from the Lemurian crystal that you will be able to revive when your heart is healing and opening up to a new world.
With this piece there is a possibility to birth a new you.