Mexica Fire Opal in matrix with Raw Sapphire

  • 3 333 kr

Rebirth, fire, water, Lemurian, Atlantis, water spirit This piece is a key to manifest yourself and the life you desire. A water spirit is connected to it,

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Article Number: 972

Rebirth, fire, water, Lemurian, Atlantis, water spirit 

This piece is a key to manifest yourself and the life you desire. A water spirit is connected to it, this spirit is old and holds knowledge from Lemuria and Atlantis. 

I see the eye of a whale, it’s like I am looking out through it, and I can see the world move and how eons of time is floating passed me.

The message here is to stay true to who you are. You are so much more than you can ever imagine. It is time for all of you to come home. it’s time for all of you to come alive.

The opal is a manifestor. It wants to support you to create your dream life.

The raw white sapphire is connected to Father Sky and to the great mystery of who you are and why you are here.

This piece wants to support you to go beyond everything you ever thought was possible. Here is great support from the water spirit but also from these powerful crystals. 

This piece calls for you who has a strong connection to water, Lemuria and Atlantis. You will feel the great pull towards this piece that wants to take you home.