This is a piece that wants to walk you all the way to the edge of the black pool of the big mystery, the cosmic womb. This is the place of great magic. I get the message that this piece wants to support you and take your hand and lead you all the way to the great mystery, the cosmic womb, and the deeper knowledge within you and your soul.
The black opal is very special. It leads to the cosmic womb and your inner mystery. (It’s a manifestation piece but for going deep inside instead of the whiter opals that reaches more out in the world). This one is also connected to a big green dragon. I am shown how this is the dragon that will follow you on your path on your journey inwards.
When you go on a journey deep inside to the cosmic womb that is connected to your womb and the great mystery, your life will change. You will find new ground to stand on and your inner world will grow. As your inner world grows the outer world will change.
This is a place when not all people dare to journey to. It’s a journey of deep self knowledge and deep spiritual awareness and knowledge.
The double terminated clear quartz will support you by always keeping you connected to Mother Earth and Father Sky. You will be grounded and connected to spirit at the same time. This will create balance in your life.
This is a piece for diving deep into the great mystery and the cosmic womb. It will take you in a shamanic journey. The dragon will be there to always protect you and guide your path.