Metatron- Self realization through the heart. Variscite with dark citrine full of rainbows

  • 4 444 kr

Metatron- Self realization through the heart.Variscite with dark citrine full of rainbowsThis is a piece for connecting to your highest dreams and bring them do

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Lagersaldo: 1
Artikelnummer: 1203

Metatron- Self realization through the heart.

Variscite with dark citrine full of rainbows

This is a piece for connecting to your highest dreams and bring them down to earth and finally birth them into the physical plane, down to earth. 

This piece is also connected to the heart of our world. I get an image of how you are connected to the collective field, I see a light coming from pure source energy down to your heart and from there light radiates to the collective field around the world. This piece wants to support the entering fully into the Aquarian Age. This means living and acting from the heart. 

This piece is a portal from the old into the new. 

It wants to support you to bring your highest dreams into this reality. At the same time it wants to act as a portal from pure source energy down to your heart and support you to spread the energy of love into the New Earth. 

This piece is part of the Cosmic Womb Collection. This means that it is connected to the creative power that is beyond the beyond, the power that sparked the birthing of our dimension and beyond. 

This piece is for the New Earth leader that is ready to step fully into her mission of love, supporting herself and all other on the path of self courage, self realization and living from the heart.