Star Sapphire with Lapis Lazuli- Star seed High Priestess
With this piece I am placed at the to of a pyramid. There is a line going from the cosmos down to the pyramids and in to its center. I see how everything is connected. I am being shown a pyramids somewhere out in the universe that is connected to this one.
I see a high Priestess standing with her hands up in the air, she is connected to the line that is connected to the universe. There is a source she is working with, connecting it to Earth and Earths magic.
This piece has been created to support you who feels the calling to come back to yourself, to your calling, to the reason why you have been sent here to earth.
I see that this piece has been divinely orchestrated to find you at this special time. I have been guided to create this for you especially.
This piece wants to support you to remember who you are and why you are here. You are not just anyone. You have always felt that there is something that you are here to do, or create.
As I see it you are here to re-connect the universal line from cosmos down to earth again.
You were here when Atlantis fell, you are here to be part of the healing of the crystal grid.
I am getting an image of your guides in a circle and a plea from them to you for you to step in and allow all your powers to flow again and support Mother Earth and all of her children.
You will feel the calling deep in your heart. You feel the connection to the pyramid and the line from the universe. You are a star seed sent here agin to support. You can make the shift, you can make it right this time. This time you will be massively supported. This piece will support you to reconnect on the inside so that you can awaken your hidden powers and connect again to the sacred line that connects Earth to her sisters and brothers on other places in the universe.
You are part of a unified field of light workers in the universe. It is time to wake up and remember. You have a mission here. It is time to come home to your power.
You are Isis! Back here on Earth in physical form!